Courtesy of Google Earth
Campus Climate Assessment for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Last Fall, the University conducted a Campus Climate Assessment to measure our progress towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. President Davis announced the upcoming meetings to discuss the results and recommendations of this Climate Survey in April.
Miles Baker
2022 Yard Show
On Feb. 25, Black Greek Letter Organizations will participate in a yard show on Furman’s campus. Learn more about the significance of this event from a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Owen Kowaleski
My Story: Escaping Through Immigration, Building a Home at Furman
With only a few months left at Furman, I have been reflecting on the circumstances that led me to Furman - and the impact that this community has had on me.
Courtesy of Dr. Alison Trainer
Black Artists Showcased through Furman’s Music Department
Celebrate Black History Month with Furman’s Music Department as they celebrate the works of Black artist’s from dancers to poets and more! Join us on February 22 in Daniel Recital Hall.
José Morales Martinez
Paladin Profile: Community Health in Underserved Communities
José Morales-Martinez ’18 shares his advocacy work after Furman, supporting students in Greenville County School system through a non-profit SC organization.
Furman News
Reflections on Joseph Vaughn Day
On Jan. 28, the Furman Community gathered to honor the first Black student to attend Furman. This event reminded me to reflect on our past and celebrate Black history beyond the month of February.

Courtesy of Furman University
Staffing Changes to Center for Inclusive Communities
Following departure of Director of the CIC, Deborah Allen, Connie Carson announces further personnel changes and plans for the Spring semester.
Furman News
The Music Department’s Response to “Black @ Furman” Instagram Posts
In 2020, @BlackatFurmanUni shared experiences of racism within the Furman community. The Department of Music shares the result of their investigation following posts indicating discrimination by music faculty.
Say My Name: Strategies for Respect and a FUSAB Event
I do not expect people to automatically know how to pronounce names in other languages, but a conscious effort is a sign of respect.
Departmental Actions to Meet Strategic Diversity Plan
The SDP was shared with the community in early 2021 and provided overarching institutional goals. In a series of presentations last summer, University departments shared specific actions to meet the SDP goals.
Protest on Campus: Student Response to Racial Bias Incidents
Following the recent appearance of white nationalist stickers and defacement of BLM flags, student leaders led a protest on the Joseph Vaughn Plaza.
Tom Keith Lynching Memorial Marker Unveiled On University Property
Mr. Keith was lynched by a white mob near Roe Ford Road on August 16, 1899.
Racial Reckoning Revisits Campus with Bias Incidents
Defaced BLM flags and white nationalist stickers found on campus lead University to offer $1,000 reward for information.
First-Year Student Harmed by Anti-LGBTQIA+ Bias Incidents
“I felt unsafe. This felt like I was being targeted,” explained the first-year student who experienced the bias incidents.
Director of the Center for Inclusive Communities Leaving Furman
Deborah Allen, inaugural director of the CIC, is leaving Furman. Learn more about why she is leaving, her accomplishments while at Furman, and what she hopes for our community moving forward in her absence.
Furman Justice Forum Makes Stance on Joseph Vaughn Plaza
Furman Justice Forum’s latest event makes bold claims about the state of race relations at Furman University.
Campus Inclusion and the Importance of Furman’s International Student Community
Perhaps most meaningful, there are mixed thoughts among the international students about community inclusion at Furman.
Paladin Profile: Prostheses, Orthoses, and Disability Advocacy
Lydia Morris ’20 is using skills and experiences gained during her time at Furman to advance disability advocacy for individuals who use prostheses and orthoses.
Shifting Administration: Ken Peterson and Michael Jennings Transition to Faculty Positions
Since August, both the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost (Peterson) and Chief Diversity Officer (Jennings) have transitioned from positions in Administration to faculty positions. President Davis shared her perspective.
Mental Health for Students of Color: Statistics, Stigma, & Support on Campus
To combat mental health disparities for minority racial and ethnic students, Furman students must utilize safe spaces on campus. Learn more about Barbershop, a weekly support for students of color through the Counseling Center.
The Return of AKA: Significance, Service, & Sisterhood
“AKA is a legacy of intelligent, strong African American women choosing to undertake a lifelong bond and commitment to not only each other, but to serving our communities and university.”